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Volatile antirust oil

Product Number :P-903
Product Type :Volatile microresidues
Packing : 18L(plastic bucket)200L(iron barrel)
Warranty Period : Two years
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  • 020 3205 0123

It is a volatile fast-drying rust-proof oil. This product is based on light distillate mineral oil and mixed with a variety of anti-rust additives. It is suitable for short-term storage and inter-process rust prevention of various metal parts requiring rapid drying. The period of rust prevention is usually 9-12 months.

Physicochemical properties:

Testing items

Test method

minimum value

Typical value

Maximum value


Visual measurement

Amber transparent liquid

Kinematic Viscosity @40 degrees C, cSt




Hygrothermal test @49 +1 C, 45 # steel, D



Lamination test @ 49 +1 (?), 45 # steel, D



Salt spray test @35 +1, 45# steel, 24h


Class A

Corrosion test @55 +1, 45 # steel, 7d


Class 0

Film thickness, micron



Product characteristics:

Excellent moisture and heat resistance and strong volatility
A semi-dry adhesive protective film can be formed on the metal surface after solvent evaporation.
Simple operation, spraying, brushing or dipping
Parts coated with this product can be assembled directly without cleaning.

Usage method:

n  Rust removal, cleaning and drying of metal parts should be carried out before use.
Do not touch the greased metal parts directly by hand.
Water and impurities should be avoided during storage and transportation

Responsible care:

For operation, storage, transportation and safety information, please refer to MSDS and PDS products, which can be directly logged on to WWW. FANCHU. COM. Or scan the two-dimensional code at the bottom left of the page to focus on "Fangchuan Lubrication" public Wechat for more information.

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