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Copper cleaner

Product Number :C-300W
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  • 020 3205 0123

Brief overview

This product is a water-based cleaning agent composed of surfactant, detergent and special corrosion inhibitor. It has strong penetration and cleaning function. It has a strong ability to remove oil contamination, and can quickly remove oil contamination on the surface of copper parts, such as machine oil, stretching oil, cutting oil/liquid, etc. Containing copper corrosion inhibitor and protective agent can effectively prevent the oxidation discoloration of copper alloy.

Main indicators




Light yellow or yellow

PH value (3% aqueous solution)


Corrosion test (40+2oC 8h full impregnation)

H62 Brass Class I

Rust-proof property (cast iron, 35 C 2 C, RH > 95%, single sheet 24h, laminated sheet 8h)

Class A

Cleaning rate,%           

95 Oil pollution

Matters needing attention

1. Use method can be soaked, brushed, mechanical cleaning, oil removal at room temperature, if need to accelerate the speed of oil removal, can be warmed to 60oC-70oC.
2. The concentration is 1:30.
3. Depending on the degree and use of the contamination, the working fluid should be supplemented or replaced when the effect of decontamination is significantly reduced.

Responsible care:

For operation, storage, transportation and safety information, please refer to MSDS and PDS products, which can be directly logged on to WWW. FANCHU. COM. Or scan the two-dimensional code at the bottom left of the page to focus on "Fanchu Lubrication" public Wechat for more information.


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